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The Hearing Loss Association of  America (HLAA)

Mission is to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss through

information • education • support • advocacy

No  February 2025 Meeting

We had a wonderful January, Part 1, meeting with the Audiology and Speech Language professors and their students.  We learned from them.  They learned from us.  Wonderful camaraderie and good will amongst everyone.

Our March 10th meeting will be Part 2. It will include follow up from the January meeting as well as some technical support for your assistive devices like your manufacturer’s phone app (we can all use help with that!).

The following is some information from January you might find interesting/helpful.  for information about the National Convention, June 12-14 in Indianapolis. Explore the website for Hearing Loss information in general .


NU Aural Rehabilitative Group and Communication Enhancement.  Series of 6 classes on hearing, hearing loss, assistive devices, and strategies to advocate for yourself.  Excellent!!

Contact    next class starts spring 2025

Hope to see you in March.




Jerry Folz


Chicago North Shore Chapter, HLAA

630 408 0746

Chapter meetings are provided by the Chicago North Shore Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) in the Weber

Room at the North Shore Senior Center, 161 Northfield Road, Northfield, IL  60093.


The Weber Room has a hearing loop

and live captions will be provided

For questions contact Deanna Lesht, NSSC Chapter facilitator at (847-784-6026)

or Jerry Folz, Chapter president, at


To Be Announced


Please consider donating a few hours to help out our Chapter

We are in need of skills such as design or art, technology, website management,  organizing a project or event, would write a few letters on behalf or the Chapter, are interested in becoming part of the Steering Committee, or just have a few hours of time to help us and would volunteer, please contact Jerry at:

HLAA Chicago North Shore Chapter Meetings

2nd Monday of the month

no meeting in August

10:00 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. 


North Shore Senior Center

Weber Room

161 Northfield Road,

Northfield, IL 60093

Explore each tab on the navigation bar to learn more about our chapter.

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